Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A New Month

August was a month of mixed emotions. As new laws change our daily lives at work, our kids return to school, and life keeps rolling by, the little tasks that you promise yourself you are going to do fall by the wayside as more important and pressing matters pop up. I am rededicating myself today to make sure I stay on top of my blog. My goal, and please help me stick to it, will be 3 times per week. So at the end of September, we will see how I have done.
In mortgage news, the bond market has had a neutral to positive day. I will take that any day of the week. Some of the economic news that came in today was very positive, but when we have been down for so long, we must remember that the numbers might not be as accurate as we would hope. Rates are still great, there is $8K on the table for a few more months for those first time homebuyers and homes are affordable...GET OUT THERE AND BUY!!!!!